Bikes For Kids Program

Do you know a kid or adult who could use a new used bike? Just fill out the short form below.

WMBC Bikes for Kids Program

We feel that everyone in the county should have access to the joy, convenience, and advantage of having a bike so we started the WMBC Bikes for Kids initiative to do just that. We take in donated bikes, refurbish them, and then work through local social service agencies and schools to find kids (and adults!) who need a bike. Also, we provide helmets to make riding safer.

Do you or anyone you know have a bike in the garage that is gathering dust? Think about donating it to WMBC and we'll make sure it gets to a kid who would appreciate it. Of greatest demand are higher quality kids bikes and adult mountain bikes with small frames. If you or someone you know are in need of a bike, just fill out the form below.

This program is made possible by The Oregon Department of Transportation, Lewis and Clark Health Foundation, and local volunteers who donate their time.